The Phoenix Recovery Project Achieves PARR Recovery Residence Certification

PARR Recovery Residence Certification

The Phoenix Recovery Project located in Chester County Pennsylvania is proud to announce it has received the PARR(Pennsylvania Association of Recovery Residences) Certification as a Level II Recovery Residence. PARR is a subsidiary of NARR(National Association of Recovery Residences) which was established in 2011 to evaluate and monitor standards-based recovery support services provided in community-based, residential settings throughout Pennsylvania. PARR is an independent non-profit organization that helps to improve standards and measures quality for recovery houses in Pennsylvania. At Phoenix Recovery Project it is very important for us to provide safe and supportive housing in the state of Pennsylvania which was recognized by PARR who came out to inspect our sober living community. The importance of PARR certification is undeniable as they provide an impartial evaluation of the recovery residence, and hold these entities to a higher standard.

Recovery House In Pennsylvania

When searching for a recovery house in Pennsylvania individuals and families should always ask the recovery residence if they are PARR certified. By not selecting a PARR certified recovery house you are entering into a situation with no oversight. Right now in PA there is no other accrediting body to certify recovery homes, and these homes are not mandated to be evaluated. It is a voluntary commitment chosen by the owner of the house to be held to a strict code of ethics. The level II certification standards criteria include a 24 hour live in house manager, policy & procedures, structured house rules, peer-run groups, drug screening, house meetings, and involved in self-help/treatment services such as intensive outpatient or outpatient.  NARR also engages in empirical research studies to determine the success of individuals in sober living homes as opposed to not entering a recovery residence. Research suggests an individual has a greater chance of maintaining abstinence by entering into a recovery residence. Feel free to learn more about NARR's studies and more information about recovery homes by clicking here. 

Recovery Residence in Chester County

If you or a loved one is looking for assistance in determining if we are the right house for you please don't hesitate to call 484-254-6780. We are available to help any time, and if determined after screening that we are not a fit we will happily provide a referral.

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