Can Recovery Houses Handle Mental Health Issues?

Mental Health In Recovery Houses

Mental health has been an issue many Americans in Pennsylvania and all the states have been suffering with for a long time. Over 60% of people who enter drug rehab or alcohol rehab have mental health issues as well as addiction. It is important to treat both mental health and addiction concurrently to achieve the maximum results for recovery. This can be achieved through a combination of psychotherapy, and psychotropic medication as administered by an addiction psychiatrist. After completing detox or rehab it is important for an individual to continue their mental health treatment in a safe environment. Many treatment centers will recommend a recovery house that provides a safe, sober, and stable environment for people to focus on their issues. The success rate skyrockets for those leaving drug and alcohol treatment when they enter into a sober living home. For more information on how our recovery house is structured click this text.

Mental Health Rehab

Before entering a recovery house it is very important that an individual completes a mental health rehab facility. The more stable their mental health and the more coping skills they have the better chance of staying sober. There are many forms of treatment available for those who suffer from depression, anxiety, bi-polar, borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia or schizoaffective, ADHD, PTSD, and many more. Facilities will advertise they treat those issues, but they may actually be just an addiction facility. It is important the family of the person who is struggling with mental health enters an exceptional facility such as Pennsylvania Behavioral Health Center that actually can handle significant mental health issues as well as addiction. As stated above if they are more stable mentally the better chance they will have at staying and remaining sober.


If you or a loved one is struggling with Mental Health or Addiction issues don't hesitate to call us at 484-254-6780. We will help get your loved one stable, and into a mental health rehab.

Visit The Mental Health Rehab Water Gap Wellness

Recovery from both your addiction, and mental health!