Finding Recovery Slowly

Finding Recovery Slowly

There is a myth out in the addiction world. One must find recovery fast. There is no such thing. Just like fine dining will always be better than Fast Food. It is better to grow slowly into your recovery as opposed to nuking it in a microwave. This does not mean to skimp on the work that needs to be done. That would be like baking a cake without sugar. You would be missing the sweetest part. There will be struggles. There will be trials. But it will all be worth it.

As a result of the slow growth there will be victory. Looking back on these tribulations it will become apparent that they were the best thing to ever happen. Hindsight is always 20/20 in recovery. The magic happens in the pain. Transformations do not occur overnight. The promise of freedom is attainable, but will only be apparent when we look back. Our friends and family will notice the change before we do. We will recognize that finding recovery happens when we aren't looking for it. If you haven't found recovery don't give up. Continue to do the work, and continue to help others.

The age of miracles is still upon us. We will do whatever we can to help you or your family. Because someone helped us. Because it is the right thing to do. When the transformation does occur we only ask you do it for someone else. And by doing this you may find that it has become full circle. When anyone out there needs help we will be there.

Get Help

If you or a loved one is struggling with drugs and alcohol please don't hesitate to call the Phoenix Recovery Project at 484-254-6780 or email us at [email protected]. For more information on our services please visit

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